June 19, 2020 Co-Regulation, Self-Regulation and Layers of Support Co-regulation is about connection and safety. Please watch the video to get more information and exercises on co-regulation! |
May 9, 2020 Social Nervous System, Polyvagal Theory, Dan Seigel The social nervous system is related to what we perceive is happening in the present moment. We use our senses seeing, hearing, smelling, taste, and sensation to asses what is going on around us. Our social nervous system perceives if there is a threat of danger or if we are safe. Please watch the video to learn more information and exercises! |
April 28, 2020 Central Nervous System, Autonomic Nervous System, Sympathetic Nervous System, Parasympathetic Nervous System The central nervous system consists of the brain, spinal column, sacrum and peripheral nerves that extend out our arms, hands, legs and feet. The autonomic nervous system controls our heart rate, breathing, metabolism and temperature moment by moment. The sympathetic nervous system engages our fight, flight, freeze or faint. The parasympathetic nervous system governs rest, digestion, relaxation and rejuvenation. Please watch the video to learn more information and tools! |